Basic Cleaner
1 pint rubbing alcohol
2 Tbs. non sudsy ammonia
1 tsp. liquid dish soap
Pour these into a one gallon jug, add water to fill the rest of the way. For everyday cleaning, incuding windows and glass. For convenience, keep some in a spray bottle in the kitchen and each bathroom.
Non-abrasive cleanser
For a great non-abrasive cleanser, keep some baking soda in a shaker to clean countertops (works great on juice stains), sinks, chrome, enamel, appliance fronts, stovetops and even the enamel surface inside the oven. Works as a deodorizer as well.
Works best when used with only a damp cloth, and the baking soda is still partly dry.
I'd be curious to know if anyone has any others to share!